Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's not about what I think it's about...

There is such shame and stigma surrounding the conversations of food, disorders and obesity that people like to try to hid from them and from themselves.

In a conversation tonight I mentioned to my friend about my engaging with Louise in conversations revolving around food, eating disorders, obesity and all the conversations in between.

She expressed to me that she knew this as Louise had referred to it in a blog entry surrounding upcoming events/projects. (I guess I need to check in the blogs more often over the weekends). And she also expressed her consciousness surrounding feeling like she wasn't as strong as she should be (physically).

I had a conversation with my father tonight as well. (Hi Dad!) As I told him about what I will be engaging with Louise about over the next 6 weeks or so (starting soon, not yet). He shared that he also feels a little self conscious at times now that he is not able to be as active as he has always been (running daily 10 km to walking to biking) due to his hips.

I also received an email from a WEL-Systems Catalyst whom I have not yet met. He wanted to write to me about my recent blog entry No Quick Fix and shared with me his experiences from his past surrounding similar issues. The waves that e-mail brought me are still lingering.

All of these conversations tonight reminded me that although as an obese woman (ugh I've never referred to myself as that before, I don't know if I will ever do it again) I may feel so very alone and that not many understand me or what I go through so many people are going through similar things and it all surrounds body image... and really what does that boil down to?

How do you... within yourself... feel about what you see in the mirror?

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